Kyiv International Conference 14-15 September 2017 on Population Wellbeing in Post-Transition Economies

International Conference “People Matter: Quality of Life and Population Wellbeing in Post-Transition Economies” organized by the Kyiv School of Economics and Vox Ukraine on September 14-15, 2017 in Kyiv and is supported by the Global Labor Organization (GLO).

This is the first conference in the region which will bring together researchers from all around the world who have been studying population wellbeing and its different aspects in post-socialist (post-transition) countries. It will provide an opportunity for extended dialogue among academic researchers, government officials and policy makers to promote use of evidence and scientific analysis in the decision making at all levels. Thus, academic science was represented by the director of the Luhansk branch of the Institute of Economic and Legal Research NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Econ. Sciences, Professor Inna Zablodska, Academic Secretary of the branch, Candidate of Econ. Sciences Yuliia Rohozian and the post-graduate student of the branch Daria Zablodska.

The organizing committee of the conference on September 14 included GLO Fellow Olena Nizalova (University of Kent), Yuri Gorodnichenko (University of California, Berkley), Tymofiy Mylovanov (Kyiv School of Economics and University of Pittsburgh), Mariya Aleksynska (ILO) and Olga Kupets (Kyiv School of Economics). Klaus F. Zimmermann (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University and President of GLO) provided a keynote lecture on “Migration and Wellbeing” and also chair a policy panel on “Migration caused by conflicts: Wellbeing of refugees and internally displaced people”.

Full program of the conference available at: