У червні 2014 року Академією Освіти Великобританії (UK Academy of Education) було оголошено конкурс на кращу наукову книгу 2013 року серед професорсько-викладацького складу вищих навчальних закладів та співробітників науково-дослідних установ Росії та країн СНД, в якому взяли участь більше тридцяти фундаментальних наукових праць.
Наприкінці року було підбито підсумки, і за результатами голосування конкурсної комісії перемогу в номінації «Юриспруденція» здобула робота наукового співробітника відділу проблем господарсько-правового забезпечення економічної безпеки держави Інституту економіко-правових досліджень НАН України Анастасії Токунової – монографія «Правовий режим факторингу».
У монографії комплексно обґрунтовано напрями вдосконалення правового режиму факторингу. Приділено увагу розвитку факторингу у світі та в Україні; проаналізовано сутність і поняття факторингу, класифіковано його за низкою підстав; визначено галузеву приналежність факторингу; проаналізовано основні положення щодо договору факторингу; охарактеризовано сторони даного договору, їх права і обов’язки. Досліджено особливості правового режиму міжнародного факторингу. На підставі вказаного вище надано ряд авторських визначень, запропоновано способи та конкретні варіанти внесення змін і доповнень до законодавства України, зокрема, Господарського та Цивільного кодексів України, законів України «Про банки і банківську діяльність», «Про фінансові послуги та державне регулювання ринків фінансових послуг», «Про ліцензування певних видів господарської діяльності».
Вітаємо Анастасію Володимирівну з перемогою в конкурсі та бажаємо подальших творчих успіхів та натхнення в роботі!
Tokunova A. V. Legal regime of factoring: monograph / Tokunova A. V. ; NAS of Ukraine, Institute of Economic and Legal Studies. – Donetsk : «Knowledge» (Donetsk branch), 2013. – 260 p.
The monograph covers the substantiation of the direction of improving the legal regime of factoring in Ukraine. This work is topical because of some reasons. At first, regulation of factoring relations under Ukrainian legislation isn’t perfect, mostly on account of considerable conflict of key normative legal documents. Secondly, there are a lot of practical problems in this field. Besides the cause described above, the reason for such situation is lack of provision of factoring services’ methodology (for factors) and these services’ using with real benefit (for clients). Thirdly, Ukrainian research sector is short of factoring’s scientific investigation in terms of law. Last complex legal work about factoring was published 14 years ago, until Commercial and Civil Codes of Ukraine (where basic provisions about factoring were fixed) came into force. That is why purpose of this research is threefold. First of all – justification of methods and concrete ways of Ukrainian legislation’s amending, removal or, at least, minimization of shortcomings in basic for factoring normative legal documents. In the second place – making proposals for the practice. Thirdly – preparing of complex investigation of legal regime of factoring for the development of existing and foundation of new theoretical postulates of this area.
The monograph includes introduction, 3 divisions, which contain 8 subsections, conclusion, 11 appendixes.
The first division deals with legislation base of factoring’s legal regime. Here factoring’s history, definitions, types, branch-wise belonging were investigated. Periods of factoring’s development were examined; it was grounded, that similar to factoring relationships took place in Ukraine before 1989 (year, when the State bank of the USSR’s promulgated a letter about assignment of rights by payment request), and occurred at the system of maintenance supply. Modes how to use advantages of this system’s experience were proposed for increasing of effectiveness of state and municipal enterprises, particularly, by widening of these subject’s access to factoring with using state factors with partial recovery of expenses for the latter.
Factoring’s characters were sorted out, its copyright definition was made, according to which factoring is an economical activity, exercising by a special subject (factor) and connected with assignment or undertaking a commitment to assign to him by another person (client) right of claim in cash for obtaining preliminary or following recovery of such claim’s value, maintenance of accounts (ledgering) relating to the receivables, collection of receivables, protection against default in payment by debtors and another connected with this claim services. Also some ways were suggested for overcoming problems with terminology using under consideration issue.
Synchronous development of factoring institute was revealed within Civil an Commercial law. In the result of national legal base’s research it was found out that factoring relationships closely fit with Commercial code’s subject of regulation. A hypothesis about entrepreneurial, commercial legal nature of factoring relationships was suggested. As a result of Ukrainian judicial practice’s analysis it was explored, that the major part of factoring cases were adjudicated in the commercial courts (detailed elaboration of research’s results was represented as tables and diagrams and expound at appendixes to monograph). Investigation of foreign studies, international documents allowed to confirm this hypothesis. Methods and specific ways of legal normative documents’ modernization were proposed in concordance with this thesis.
The second division deals with treaty regime of factoring. Here factoring contract’s general characteristic was made by number of criterions, its definition was improved.
It was grounded, that not only subject of contract appropriately to put into the essence of a factoring contract, but also price and period of this treaty, definitions of these essential conditions were made.
Legal status of factoring relationship’s privies was developed. With it proved that: factor must be a financial institution and, on the assumption of licensing, another subject of entrepreneurial activity; client and debtor must represent business entities.
Rights and duties of factor and client in factoring agreement were considered. Also relations between these subjects and debtor were examined. Special attention was paid to practical problems of notification of debtors about the assignment of receivables.
Particularly, it was reasoned a necessity of binding client by a commitment to notify debtor of the assignment of receivables in factoring agreement. Also there were established suitability and prepared a suggestion that notice must be in written form and it is reasonable to enclose with it sustaining documents of conclusion of a factoring agreement. This notification must be done not later, than the next working day after the assignment of the receivables’ date.
It was grounded the suitability of limitation of debtor’s right to claim of the assignment of the receivables’ additional evidence to 7 days, which start from the respective notice’s receiving. Likewise it is necessary to ban the execution of a contract for benefit of the first creditor during this time and suspend the imposition of sanctions for this term.
The third division devotes to international factoring legal regime’s features. Problems of realizing of international factoring’s normative documents in Ukraine were revealed and arrangements for its overcoming were proposed.
It was proved that international factoring agreement can be without financing, if according to it the complex of at least two another services, provided by Unidroit Convention on international factoring (maintenance of accounts (ledgering) relating to the receivables, collection of receivables, protection against default in payment by debtors) is assigned. Also it was grounded that factoring agreement will be international not only if it provides crossing the border under the primary contract of sale of goods, works and services, but also for such crossing by factoring agreement’s services.
Suggestions were made concerning range and order of administration of the rules of law for international factoring’s relations. Particularly, it was suggested to use in general case: 1) Unidroit Convention on international factoring; 2) national legislation (with a glance of an amendments, proposed in monograph), where it is necessary to be guided by Commercial and Civil Codes of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine « On Foreign Economic Activities», «On Banks and Banking»; 3) Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts. Every following point must be use on the assumption of insufficiency of previous.
In addition ways of solving of certain questions connected with international direct factoring agreement were grounded. Particularly, in case of client and factor are residents, and debtor is nonresident, key problem is payment by foreign currency between residents (in our case – factor and client). It was proved that in the presence of a National Bank’s general license for currency transactions, both banks and factoring companies are justified to finance their clients without individual licensing, because funds here are passed as a part of the financing service and are not an instrument of payment.
Under stated above a number of methods and specific options were proposed on improvement of theoretical aspects of factoring and amending the legislation of Ukraine, including Commercial, Civil Code of Ukraine, Laws of Ukraine «On Banks and Banking», «On Financial Services and State Regulation of Financial Markets», «On Licensing of Certain Types of Economic Activity», ways of harmonization of domestic legislation with the Unidroit Convention on International Factoring. The amendments are expounded in a draft bill, which is locate in appendix to this research work.